Monitoring is the process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data to uncover insights that can be used to inform decision-making for games. It is a powerful tool that can help game developers understand how players play their games, where they are struggling, and what improvements need to be made to optimize the gaming experience. Monitoring instruments are common in many fields. For example, site administrators operate check service status tools in their work.
The data for analytics is obtained by tracking “events” that happen inside the game, such as when a player completes a level or purchases an item. Along with the events come “parameters,” which provide additional information like how many lives were used to complete the level and the name and price of the item purchased. By carefully examining this data and grouping it according to specific periods or player segments, trends can be identified and analyzed to draw meaningful insights about the game’s performance.
What is monitoring?
Monitoring is an invaluable tool for optimizing game development and ensuring successful outcomes. It is important to outline key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress toward the desired goals and ensure the continued success of your game. With the right analytics process, developers can get a clear picture of what is and isn’t working in their game and how to improve it.
The effectiveness of this approach has been proven in various activities. For example, you can check down to inspect the website’s status and draw useful conclusions, whether you are an administrator or an ordinary visitor.
Why is monitoring important?
Monitoring is an essential tool for game developers looking to improve their games. By collecting and analyzing data about how players engage with the game, developers can make informed decisions that optimize gameplay, enhance monetization strategies, and increase player lifetime value.

For instance, tracking mission success rates, time taken to complete certain tasks, and failure/death type can enable developers to adjust game difficulty and ensure players don’t find it too easy (thereby decreasing their motivation to purchase items, boosters, or additional hints to help them progress). In addition, by understanding which parts of the game are causing players to drop out early, developers can focus on developing those areas so people can get the full experience.
Furthermore, by closely monitoring the most and least popular store purchases players make and when they typically head to the store (e.g., at the start or after running out of a resource), developers can craft offers that engage existing fans while tempting non-spenders. This will allow them to maximize the value and return from each acquired player and, in turn, unlock higher CPI targets that bring in more valuable players.
Overall, having a clear understanding of analytics is critical for game developers who want to create successful games and maximize their revenue. By analyzing the data around gameplay, monetization, and player loyalty, developers can make strategic decisions to drive engagement and ensure their games are enjoyable for all players.
In conclusion, monitoring is an effective tool that can help game developers understand how players play their games and identify areas for improvement. Tracking events and parameters within the game can identify trends to draw meaningful insights about its performance. Monitoring also allows developers to adjust gameplay difficulty levels, optimize monetization strategies, and craft offers that engage existing fans while enticing non-spenders.
With the right analytics process, developers will have an invaluable resource to make informed decisions about their games’ development progress and ensure successful outcomes.